Strip/sheet pressing

Sheet metal cold forming equipment

QP Mechanics si propone come costruttrice di vari accessori a disegno che compongono le singole stazioni di deformazione a freddo della lamiera.
Dal pretranciato di partenza al pezzo finale la trasformazione della lamiera può avviene tramite imbutitura, stiramento, tranciatura o piegatura. I componenti presenti nelle singole stazioni sono svariati molti dei quali sono standard; normalmente invece le parti attive dello stampo e molti accessori a corredo sono da realizzare a disegno con specifiche ad HOC e materiali sempre più spinti a garantire le migliori performance per lo specifico caso. Qui entra in gioco il know-how di QP Mechanics realizzando proprio questi componenti con l'estrema cura dei dettagli che da sempre la contraddistingue. Alcuni esempi sono: 
- Matrici
- porta matrici
- punzoni
- porta punzoni
- contropunzoni
- piastre
- premilamiera
- estrattori
- spine
In base alle necessità del cliente le attrezzature possono essere realizzate in acciaio, in carburo di tungsteno (widia) o altre leghe speciali.

Molds and spare parts for sheet metal transfer presses

In the transfer molds, the piece is transferred from one station to the next by means of transport grippers fixed on two bars which follow the movement of the press with synchronous motion. The piece is then separated from the infeed belt at the first station when the development is cut, in the subsequent stations the detail is transformed until the finished product is obtained which in the last step is expelled from the mold.

With this technology there are more degrees of freedom than a step mold, in terms of product transformation and allow better aesthetic finishes, on the other hand they have a lower productivity and greater swarf.

Molds and spare parts for progressive or step presses

In progressive molds the piece remains attached to the belt during the various transformation steps; it is therefore the belt itself that advances transfers the semi-finished product from one station to the next. In the last station the finished product is separated from the belt

On the step molds it is possible to produce several pieces simultaneously inside the single station keeping the quantity of scraps low.

Multi-figure molds and spare parts

When the dimensions and the deformation sequence of the material allow it, the molds can be designed so as to execute several pieces simultaneously.

If progressive molds are born mainly with these requirements, with its pros and cons, for transfer molds it is the result of careful analysis by the designer; this solution allows to save material, considerably increase productivity and at the same time maintain the typical advantages of transfer molds.